• Culture

  • Difficulty: easy and funny

  • Distance from the hotel: 27km

  • Transport: Minibus Garden

  • Duration: 4 hours

  • Reservation: mandatory

  • Charged


A mosaic made with your own hands

Would you and your family like to learn how to make a mosaic inspired by the monuments of Ravenna?
Then come with us to one of the Ravenna workshops to experience this: we will discover what materials are used, the tools needed to cut the tesserae that make up a mosaic, and we will make one.
Each participant will be able to make his or her own mosaic and choose from various models available (ancient and modern, for adults and children, to be created in groups or individually).

We will visit the marvellous basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe (a UNESCO monument), the Classis museum (former sugar factory), and here we will participate in the mosaic workshop. We will reproduce a detail taken from the mosaics of Ravenna, giving free rein to our creativity. We can then take our creation home with us.

  • Transport with the Minibus Garden
  • Visit to the Classis museum
  • Visit to the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare in Classe
  • Mosaic and materials workshop
  • Guided accompaniment by our staff